I was never any good at Wave Race but I think that first panel is a decent reproduction of it

Posted on October 1, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Fall « Fall. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

12 Responses

  1. TheBrigeedaRocks says:

    So would I Ben, so would I.

  2. Emily says:

    God Ben, way to interrupt the sorrow. Dick.

  3. BentKatana says:

    Lol, love Ben’s expression in the last panel xD

  4. ben's broken nose says:

    Holy shit. I remember this game. I used to get motion sickness from it, and I didn’t know the name of it (it was a friend’s) until now. You win at life.

  5. Esco says:

    A handmade goomba!

  6. v says:

    Ben’s face in second panel looks terrible, I think you should fix it 🙁

  7. v says:

    i mean, his mouth looks bad

  8. jek says:

    Ahh, I’ve been reading and adoring Bobwhite for ages now–I’m sorry I never comment! I really should. I love this comic so much. <3333333
    Just wanted to say I LOVE how Ben's serious expression in the last panel seems to match the discussion mood Chloe's trying to set, but his words are just so out there. It's so freaking epic.
    Actually, I still have the Chloe-and-Ben-go-get-fast-food-and-parallel-universe-theory-prompts-Chloe-to-order-gross-food comic as my computer background… hope you don't mind, but I wanted to keep it close. <3

  9. lily says:

    maybe I need to start dating stupider. ben makes it seem awfully tempting.

  10. smallhound says:

    I want the handmade Goomba so badly.

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