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Ivy, noooooooo….
YES. Between color and update and Lewis and Ivy, man, this strip is just a blast of happiness.
I’m imagining something AWESOME.
Eeee missed the color! I hope no one interrupts augh!
Wait, I thought they were having sex this whole time!
me too.
I did until just a week or two ago. Something about one of the recent strips made me think they might not be doin’ it.
Yeah, I thought they had sex in the woods a few strips ago. But this comic is very great — love the last panel.
Nope, that was meant to reinforce that they weren’t together, but kinda-sorta wanted to be.
Ivy looks wonderfully put together here, especially considering how casual/sloppy she usually is.
Late to this party, but I love that Ivy is wearing a flower in her hair like her mom does. Also, Ivy and I have similar stress reactions.
I need them to get back together.