Don’t forget, if you want to leave a comment, don’t accidentally put it in the “transcription” box! There’s been some nice thoughts written there that I can’t post because they’re not actually comments. /:)

Posted on August 6, 2010 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Summer « Summer. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

20 Responses

  1. The Icon says:

    Oh, man, I posted a comment the other day, and it was a long one, and it never showed. I opted not to rewrite it. I bet it put it in the Transcription section…

    • magnoliapearl says:

      Yeah, I think yours was one of em. I felt bad because you said you liked Marlene as a character but disliked her personally, and I was worried you might think I didn’t approve it because of that or something

      • The Icon says:

        Nah, I’ve e-mailed you in the past and you seemed like more of a… well, level headed and mature person than that. I can, however, completely believe I’m a total fool who posted in the transcript box because I chose not to pay attention.

  2. mel says:

    Maybe you should make the transcription thing a different page?

  3. AngFdz says:

    Well not the reaction I was expecting!

  4. Eldrek says:

    Marleeeene. D:

  5. Ellie says:

    I like how her eyes are just black dots 😀

  6. Ellie says:

    P.S. when i try to go to the first comic, its not the first, so i tried the sophomore link, nothing….. *eyes of despair* what do i do! /.___.\

  7. Jordy Blue says:

    Love the new layout and totally in love with Bobwhite! Thanks for your hard work!

  8. Mordecai says:

    I’m not sure I understand Cleo’s reaction here. Is it “so what you’re saying is that we’re not worth making an effort with, ergo fuck you?” Is it “so you’re using us to blunt the trauma of being cool, ergo fuck you?” Why not instead read it as a compliment; that Ivy+Marlene+Cleo are less vicious than her other friends; that she’s fallen in with bad company, but can still acknowledge ‘good people’ when she finds them? Is there more to this than I’m seeing?

    • magnoliapearl says:

      The joke is that they hate her for no reason.

      • Mordecai says:

        What is this thing called a “joke?” Are you saying that the characters sometimes act in a so-called “humorous fashion?” Mysterious-er and mysterious-er. I must delve deeper.

    • Edison T. Allere says:

      I may only understand this because I am an *extremely* hateful person, something I’m not proud of and am trying to fix, but I feel like Nikki is just one of those people who you can hate, on sight, for no reason at all, except that every movement and sound she makes infuriates you to your very core. Which is kind of hard to convey in comic form, and I think that Magnolia has done a lovely job of it, but to people with less hate in their hearts it might not come across right.

      tl;dr? Hate Nikki on sight. Just do it.

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