I love the fact that Marlene is literally shaking in horror at this statement. I know one of my friends that would do the same thing if I said something like that. Or mentioned the word ‘speculum’.
Okay I really need to learn the names of parts of the female genitals. In our high school health class they just sort of went over it in about ten minutes of one class, then never mentioned it again. Didn’t help that our teacher was male.
Is it bad that I’m female, 22, and don’t know what a labia is? I guess it’s just never come up in everyday conversation =/
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yes. yes i do.
I’m going to ask my roommate if this ever happens to her.
I thought I was the only one that happened to
Said it before, said it again.
The world needs more vagina jokes.
Agree 100%. Come on ladies, it’s not cool to be demure or whatever anymore.
Plus, hey look! It’s Phil from Guilded Age.
Someone’s gotta make a reference >_>
Similar to the male phenomenon of having tour testicles in one pant leg and penis in the other.
I love this comic.
I like it!
One of your best one-off non-storyline strips!
Ahah a haha, thank you for this one! So very true! I’m going to bring this up to my roommate now. Its an…issue(?) that needs to be addressed!
Man, I thought guys were the only ones that had to deal with that kinda stuff… I’m so sorry.
Mar’s expression MAKES this comic.
I’m still giggling.
YES. Thanks for the vagina jokes. Women are allowed to say gross things too.
I usually do.
My God. Ivy and I were meant to be friends. I wish you were real, Ivy, I have these weird ideas all the time, and never vocalize them as you do.
Pfffffffffffft. HAA HAA! So random!
Also, I love Marlene’s reaction!
LOVE IT. You should make this the entire characters page.
your face
this is too funny
Cue this SFX: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSSxSmm9tFM
Marlene’s expression begs for this SFX. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g9WjcGdxuM
I love the fact that Marlene is literally shaking in horror at this statement. I know one of my friends that would do the same thing if I said something like that. Or mentioned the word ‘speculum’.
And this is why underwear is important.
oh god psshaahhahahahahahahaaaaaaahahahahaaahahahahaha icantbreathe
I think I woke up everyone in my building, thanks x)
Okay I really need to learn the names of parts of the female genitals. In our high school health class they just sort of went over it in about ten minutes of one class, then never mentioned it again. Didn’t help that our teacher was male.
Is it bad that I’m female, 22, and don’t know what a labia is? I guess it’s just never come up in everyday conversation =/
well I laughed for ten minutes, so good jorb!
also, @twigs, for gods sake you have wikipedia! anatomy need not be a mystery!
whaaaaat?! *Breathless laughter, squeak*