Posted on May 25, 2011 at 12:00 am in Uncategorized as part of Spring « Spring. Follow responses to this post with the comments feed. You can leave a comment or trackback from your own site.

11 Responses

  1. River says:

    I thought Ivy, Panel 2 was the Best Face, then I saw Ivy, Panel 4.

    Seriously, you don’t need that “…” balloon for her. THE FACE SAYS IT ALL.

  2. Esco says:

    Man if you had sex and don’t reek of sex afterward then IT WASN’T SEX AT ALL


  3. notmarkflynn says:

    It’s so weird seeing Ivy dressed all girly. But don’t think I’m hating, it’s such a nice outfit!

  4. plusook says:

    I love how ruffled she looks in the first panel, haha.
    Also, I never noticed Lewis’s eyebrows before, but thems some nice eyebrows.

  5. Angelina says:

    I love Ivy’s outfit. And booo family ruining thiiis! D:

  6. mrguy08 says:

    Panel 3 Ivy looks absolutely great.

  7. David says:

    Damn, Ivy has never been this hot. Neither of them, actually. They should get back together and have sex more often.

  8. Kyle says:

    Its really hard not to get pulled into this story. Kinda reminds me of a wes anderson movie, every character has unique faults and failures but they all come back with redeeming qualities. The characters are developed wonderfully, so that for almost every one of them someone in the comments has said “[so-and-so] is my favorite character”.

    I can see from other comics that personality is hard to replicate realistically. Thank you ms. porter, for building characters that make you want to punch and hug them at the same time.

  9. Deborah says:

    I love Lewis’s sister. lol I imagine she was hard to pry off of Ivy.

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